Sign up for pay per click advertising

The first step is to sign up for pay per click advertising, so we can start working on your ad campaigns.
We charge $995 per month for our pay per click advertising service.


We get creative

After you are signed up for pay per click advertising, then we will get creative. We will develop ads for every website that we advertise on such as Facebook, Google, Reddit, Linkedin, Tiktok and more. Then we will get to work buying ads for your business. We will make sure the ads are profitable for you to run.


We get analytical

Each day we will go over all of your ad campaigns and see which ones need to be adjusted. We will look over the cost of the ad and how much profit it makes you to ensure your ads remain profitable to run.



You will have full access to all of our ad buying accounts, so you will be able to see all of the results of your ads. You will be able to see how many clicks, leads and sales you get from the ads. Contact us today to get started!